Friday, October 24, 2008
Pumpkin Patch
We now have a new camera and I do have a few pictures that I need to add from earlier...but I thought I would get these ones from today up on the blog. Enjoy...I know I do.
Aren't these 2 girls sweet as sunshine?
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Happy First Birthday, Elle!!!
First off...I apologize for being so long in adding updates. I misplaced the camera and now it is lost. We got a digital video camera right before Elle's birthday...but unfortunately the pictures are not very good. We just replaced our camera...but these pictures are all from the video camera. You can look forward to better quality and most likely more frequent pictures in the future.
This was taken the day after Elle's birthday. Her birthday was on a Thursday but we didn't celebrate it properly until Saturday.
Joy has been full of facial expressions lately...this one is quite common.
Elle enjoying her birthday spaghetti dinner.
Elle opening her present with Joy looking on.
"What is this thing on my head?"
"Ahhh...a box!"
"This ribbon looks fun."
"I do like opening presents."
When you just turn one...a mouth full of food looks awfully cute. She really enjoyed her cake. I don't have a still picture of it, but it was a sunflower cake with a construction paper stem. The cake has a story. I baked the cake early in the day on Saturday and set it on the counter to cool. Suddenly I look and Joy has helped herself to some of the cake. I scold her and set the cake out of her reach. Then our whole group heads to Costco. My parents, my mother in law, my husband, and my girls are all included. My father in law stays at the house to watch the game. When we arrive home we discover that a whole petal is missing from the cake. My father in law noticed that someone had been nibbling on it and thought it was free game. So...I had to think of something to help disguise the missing petal and came up with a green construction paper stem with a bow around it. It actually looked pretty cute and makes for a fun 1st birthday story for Elle.
"Gotta wash that cake right outa my hair." What a happy girl!
Friday, August 15, 2008
Birthday for 2 year old Joy
The following is the day in pictures of Joy's 2nd B-day. She had a very blue berry day starting with blue berry muffins for breakfast (each had 2 big fat fresh blue berries on top - as well as others throughout- in honor of the 2 year old). She then had fruit salad with blue berries in it for her dinner followed up with blue berries on her birthday cake. Then she ended the day eating blue berries and teddy grahams while watching Madame Blueberry. Enjoy the pictures.
First picture of the two year old right when she woke up.
After church, she had a long long that I had to go in and wake her, but I first got a picture of the precious, sleeping 2 yr old.
Welcome to the party.
What a smile!
She had fun opening her gifts.
She even held the shirt up to herself on her own.
Gotta have a picture of the cake.
And one blowing out the candles.
Here the sisters are playing with some of Joy's new toys.
We walked to the park in the evening. Here is Joy with papa enjoying the view.
A new polka dot nightie for the birthday girl.
Joy cuddles with grandma and Elle while watching Madame Blueberry to end her 2 year old blue berry birthday.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Here is a little randomness
Papa's Birthday cake
I had a special little helper for making Papa's birthday cake. I think Joy had lots of fun! Here are a few pictures to commemerate our time. this is lame poetry is a poem about what happened to the cake:
On top of the car it sat
As Joy in the car did go
Then off we drove without a care
as the cake did balance there
We made it past the stop
On a right turn up the hill
There were cries of what was that
And explanations of the cake just went splat
We turned around to assess the mess
And gathered the plate pieces into a bag
Then we went on our way
But continued to laugh about it all of the day
On top of the car it sat
As Joy in the car did go
Then off we drove without a care
as the cake did balance there
We made it past the stop
On a right turn up the hill
There were cries of what was that
And explanations of the cake just went splat
We turned around to assess the mess
And gathered the plate pieces into a bag
Then we went on our way
But continued to laugh about it all of the day
Friday, July 4, 2008
Finishing June and beginning July
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