Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Hello and other ramblings

I decided that the website I was using for blogging didn't really meet my blogging needs. I wanted people to be able to post comments and such and there wasn't anyway to do so unless they opened an account. Anyway, I opened a gmail account and then created a blog. Fun!

The hubby and I went on our first real date in 3 months, since having a certain baby girl enter our lives. We had a nice time. It was nice to be out together without worrying about the little one. Though, I must confess that I did wonder how she was doing and if everything was okay.

She is getting so big. She is now 11 months old and is so close to walking. I'm not in a hurry, though there is a part of me that is proud of her making steps toward growing up. :o)

Now that we have had her for 3 months, I am thinking that I need to begin to work on molding some of the traits that I want to see in her. And...I have no idea how to do this. She seems to be kinda whiny when things don't go her way or when we aren't fast enough at getting what she wants. I really want to try to curb this, but am not sure how. I am open to suggestions. I certainly pray about it and ask God for wisdom on how to raise her as long as we have her.

Well, I think this is a decent start. I will be back again later!


michelle said...

Let me know if you find a solution for the whining and impatience. I could use similar instruction. I get that way a lot too.

Glad you have a blog I can make my "little sister" comments on. Hee, hee! (Now you'll have to figure out how to block comments from me...)

Krisbby said...

For now I will let you post your comments...afterall, that is partially why I changed to this spot for my blog. :o)

Also, I will let you know if I find a solution. Not sure I will find a sure fix this side of heaven.

la femme elisabeth said...

Hey K--I am glad to see some pics & hear how things are going so far w/ the little one. You'll have to shoot me an email w/ her name. :)
We have had the priveledge to be under some godly mentors who seem to be especially wise in both the practical and heart issues of parenting. For whining at that age this lady told me to have a pack 'n play set up in the room you are mostly in and stick her in it when she whines until she stops. At the first break in the screaming (cuz she WILL be screaming!) take her out quickly, hug her, and praise her for her self-control. This has worked great for her kids (she has 7) and ours so far. My trouble is just being consistent!! :)
I am so glad you are getting to do your "hearts desire" and prepare to be sanctified!! Love u and the blog, beth :)