Friday, December 21, 2007

I just found this...

Our computer fizzled sometime in September and with it I lost access to many of my documents. Well, my fine hubby has just rebuilt the computer and with it many of my documents are back. Christmas made me think of our Christmas letter from last year and I had been trying to remember my wording on a little note that I had written. I just came across it and wanted to post it here.

Last year we mentioned that we were planning to pursue adoption and asked that you would pray with us in this. We are again asking you to pray for us as we move forward with the adoption process. Our biggest hurdle at the moment is completing our home study (which involves a bunch of writing and looks intimidating). Please pray we get it done quickly as well as that God gives us wisdom in all aspects of this process. We have also received a very generous gift to aid us in pursuit of adoption. This has confirmed in our hearts, along with other things, that we are headed in the right direction. In the meantime, we are beginning to say that we are expecting. We fully anticipate and believe that we will have a child/children within the next 9 months. Thank you for walking with us! We appreciate your prayers and your support.

The red phrase is the one I was trying to remember. I know that God led us to make that statement of belief and He has been true to fulfilling it. Joy came to live with us in April and Elle was born exactly 9 months after Christmas. Wow!!! How exciting and overwhelming for me to see the way that God answers His child's cry and how He rewards her faith.


michelle said...

So, a little honesty...

When I read that in your letter last Christmas, I thought "I don't think they know how things work, because it is just really unlikely they would have a baby in that amount of time."

It isn't often I'm glad to be wrong, but in this case, I am thrilled! I love that God made the impossible (by my rules) possible.

Krisbby said...

I am also glad that you were wrong. I also love that God likes to do things that we don't think can happen.

Jayne said...

I'm not going to say this quite right.Sometimes when you are praying for others your mind wanders or you just picture things in your head and I'm not always sure what that's all about. But I remember one time praying for you and Matt and for the Lord to bring a child into your home. I pictured a little girl running around in your house. I remember wondering about why I pictured her walking when you didn't have any possible leads on a child. But I did have this feeling like you were going to get a girl. I just felt like a girl is what fit you both.
The Lord is so delighted when we believe and trust Him. Your faith is such an example to others. We are rejoicing with you.

michelle said...

Pictures! We want smiling pictures!

Dan or Reb said...

Hey guys,

I just wanted to let you know we are praying for you all. I was a little behind on the news of your new little one but am so happy for you. God is GOOD. My heart is full for you and your little family. I know God has a perfect plan for you. Keep the pictures coming ... they are sooo cute :) We will be keeping you in our prayers. love ya reb and dan